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Age 35, Male

Mucky boy


Joined on 5/25/09

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Qwazal's News

Posted by Qwazal - October 20th, 2009

Dumpitydoodledum big bow wow.
Dumpitydoodledum dandy.

In a town in Sweden by a stream so clear and cool
A boy would sit and fish and dream when he should have been in school.
Now, he couldn't read or write a word but happiness he found
In a little song he heard and here's how it would sound;

Hut-Sut Rawlson on the rillerah and a brawla, brawla sooit,
Hut-Sut Rawlson on the rillerah and a brawla sooit.
Hut-Sut Rawlson on the rillerah and a brawla, brawla sooit,
Hut-Sut Rawlson on the rillerah and a brawla sooit.

Now the Rawlson is a Swedish town, the rillerah is a stream.
The brawla is the boy and girl,
The Hut-Sut is their dream.

Hut-Sut Rawlson on the rillerah and a brawla, brawla sooit.
Hut-Sut Rawlson on the rillerah and a brawla sooit.

Dumpitydoodledum big bow wow.
Dumpitydoodledum dandy.

George Bernard Shaw's Opus

Posted by Qwazal - October 19th, 2009

When you go to the delicatessen store,
Don't buy the liverwurst,
Don't buy the liverwurst.

I repeat what I just said before,
Don't buy the liverwurst,
Don't buy the liverwurst.

Oh buy the corned beef if you must,
The pickled herring you can trust,
And the lox puts you in orbit A-OK.
But that big hunk of liverwurst
Has been there since October First,
And today is the Twenty-Third of May!

So when you go to the delicatessen store,
Don't buy the liverwurst,
Don't buy the liverwurst.

It'll make your insides awfully sore!
Don't buy the liverwurst.
Don't buy the liverwurst!


Posted by Qwazal - October 13th, 2009

Stranger: Hi there
You: Ello.
You: You wanking?
Stranger: Haha. Ummm... that's a bit impossible...
You: No hands?
Stranger: No dick.
You: Auto-fellatio is possible.
You: I can teach you.
Stranger: is that so?
You: Yes sir.
Stranger: Sir?
You: Yes.
You: Sir.
Stranger: I'm not.
Stranger: You're silly.
You: Not what?
Stranger: Not a sir.
You: Do you prefer gentleman?
Stranger: Yes.
You: Oh.
Stranger: I'm a girl you idiot.
You: A woman?
Stranger: Yes.
You: Those still exist?
Stranger: Umm yes.
You: Holy shit.
You: Then should I teach your son?
You: Brother?
You: Dad?
Stranger: Ummm no.
You: Why.
Stranger: Because I think you're a perverted ass hole.
You: I assure you
You: my asshole is neither perverted nor am I.
Stranger: Mhmm.
You: A simple technique.
You: That's all.
You: And you go off on the deep end.
You: Calling names.
You: Shouting profanities.
You: Shame.
Stranger: So, tell me, Stranger.
Stranger: How is this not perverted?
You: Perverted means curious.
You: Is this curious?
Stranger: I honestly think that this is ludicrous.
You: Yes.
You: You are entitled to your opinion.
Stranger: Indeed.
You: Unless you don't live in America.
Stranger: Haha.
Stranger: That's not very nice.
You: Yes,
You: I make every attempt at being an upstanding citizen.
You: On the internet.
You: Seriously.
Stranger: Haha.
Stranger: So, where are you from?
You: My mother's womb.
Stranger: Oh great. We have a comedian on our hands...
You: You asked.
You: Beggers can't be choosers.
Stranger: They can sometimes.
You: Give me an instance when that is true.
You: I'm waiting.
Stranger: You're also impatient.
You: 2 minutes have passed.
Stranger: I'm sorry?
You: That is much too long.
Stranger: Good grief.
You: Do you just sit there making casual observations about me?
Stranger: I do when you make it very easy for me to do so.
You: 'Kay.
You: F
Stranger: Sorry, I'm on the phone.
Stranger: G?
You: What.
Stranger: You said F, then I said G.
You: Quite.
You: Quite so.
Stranger: Indeed.
You: Rather.
Stranger: Splendid.
You: Indubitably.
Stranger: Really?
You: Affirmative.
You: I concede to that notion.
You: Upon it.
You: %
Stranger: Percentage.
You: &
Stranger: And.
You: No.
You: That is an ampersand
Stranger: Excuse me, ass.
You: ass.
Stranger: Yes.
You: S'kay.
You: *
You: Asterisk.
You: Coming from the Latin "aster"
You: meaning star
Stranger: Indeed.
You: Exactly.
You: Johnny Test.
You: Wilford Brimley.
You: John McCormick.
You: Mike Hawk.
You: Mike Oxbig.
You: Mike Hawk is Very large.
You: Very.
You: Very.
You: Large.
Stranger: Okay.
You: "Tis a pun, not to be taken on the offensive"
Stranger: Okay....
You: -.-"
You: You are not the most interesting individual/
You: sans /
Stranger: Thank you so much.
Stranger: That's so utterly kind of you.
You: Ah, sarcasm.
You: 'Tis a language of it's own.
Stranger: Agreed.
You: Used by the most comical of offspring.
You: Off.
You: Spring.
You: Funny how those words were put together.
Stranger: Agreed?
You: That is your decision.
Stranger: I know.
You: How am I to know whether that is right or wrong.
You: I am but a lowly sponge.
You: Yellow.
You: Squishy.
You: Porous.
Stranger: Sick.
You: Lives under the sea.
Stranger: Can you regenerate?
You: In a pineapple made just for me.
You: And yes.
You: I reproduce by budding.
Stranger: Sick.
You: And I, so silly.
You: Wave my arms toward you with glee.
You: Then
You: you say to me
You: What is
You: "glee"
Stranger: What is glee?
You: Then I respond.
You: Glee, the human emotion that can also be described as happy
Stranger: Also, a television series.
You: The opposite of crappy.
You: A television.
You: Night-vision.
You: Goggles.
You: Spy.
You: Fly.
You: High.
Stranger: Die.
You: where oh where.
You: Have you gone
You: my.
You: little.
You: Cry.
You: *dun dunda dun ........dun.*
Stranger: Nigh.
You: Nary a thing you canst do
You: When my hands do fall upon the likes of you
You: Rape,
You: rape.
You: *guitar solo*
Stranger: You're strange.
You: Freddy.
You: Velma.
You: Daphne.
Stranger: Shaggy.
You: Shaggy.
You: Scooby.
Stranger: I win.
Stranger: Scrappy.
You: One more.
You: Go on.
You: funds.
You: What is your current temperature?
Stranger: Of my bod?
You: Are you quite feverish?
Stranger: Not a bit.
You: One would think so.
Stranger: Why?
You: I thunk, therefore I was.
You: One was.
You: One would.
You: I am One.
You: I am many.
You: I can be anything I want to be.
You: Reading Rainbow
You: I....... can do anything
Stranger: Lamar Burton.
You: Yeah.
You: Just take a look
Stranger: In a book.
You: It's in a book.
Stranger: Butterfly in the sky.
Stranger: I can go twice as high.
You: yet.
You: we have no external wings.
You: Only tools.
You: Alas, a humans mind and body I am confined to.
You: Yearning.
You: Yearning to be free.
Stranger: No offense
Stranger: but you're driving me crazy.
Stranger: Bye.
You: Goodbye.

Posted by Qwazal - October 1st, 2009


I regrettably say that I have angered Him. I have felt his Wrath and know that this is the most unholy of sins. Yet, He has touched me so. He taught me what it meant to be; this is something I shan't ever forget. I will dedicate my life to repenting. His word is still my command, and therefore I must live in exile. Only until He forgives me will I ever return. I accept His punishment as it will heal the demons controlling my mind. I must have others take my place, and if that person is you, know this; you must never make the mistakes I have made, consider me an example of what His power truly is.

Anyone who is reading this must know of Him and worship Him until they are cleansed of the Sin inside of us all. Myself being unclean was banished until I am pure. I have taken to account everything I have done and make it my goal in this Life He has given me to repent. And I shall.

Until I am deemed fitted to worship him, consider me dead.

By His Almighty kindness, forgiveness and endless compassion, I can rest sound fully at nigh knowing my actions were forgiven. What demons would lurk in me now are banished back to whence they came. This is the power of Him. What He can do for us is nothing short of miraculous. He has healed me. And more. I was purified like none other. I am now a functioning member of Him and eternally grateful. Praise Twilight.

Posted by Qwazal - September 27th, 2009

/* */

Posted by Qwazal - September 17th, 2009


/* */

Posted by Qwazal - September 13th, 2009

This is my first attempt at a story... it probably sucks.
This is a story about Davidzx.

When David was born, his father was so repulsed with his appearance, that he threw him onto the floor and brutally assaulted his leg. This scarred him for never-ending life. While growing up he faced many challenges trying to fit into a society of two legged persons and was mocked relentlessly. His peers would call him Peg Leg Dave, making him feel bad, and became an outcast. This eventually made him act out, he would usually throw tantrums, but later resorted to violence. Many children were hospitalized when attacked with his prosthetic leg, which he learned to use as a deadly weapon.

At some point in his life, something inside him snapped, he wanted to be like everyone else. He wanted to be normal and know what it is like to have two legs. He wanted to know what "two knees" was. He decided to find a way to get a human leg, and attach it. Now, you and I both know that finding a usable leg is hard, but David had other means of finding one. He would have to kill someone. Not just anyone, his father. The same person who stole his leg. The same person who had literally ruined his entire life. This was payback for all the grief his fathers actions had caused him. His father would know what he had to live without. He would feel what it was like, being an insufferable piece of trash with but one leg.

His vengeance would be sweet.

And it was. He had gotten a leg. Unfortunately no one would attach the leg, and he could not let it bleed any longer, lest it become unusable. Of course, his father was much taller and more muscular, being an Olympian track star. He would look entirely irregular with one leg being larger than the other. He couldn't just attach it as is. He grabbed the bleeding, sawed off leg and ran. But before he left the house, his father moaned, "Son. I hope you get hit by a car."

He ran with all the running a crippled person could run. He passed old ladies, houses, fruit vendors and eventually found his destination.

"There it is," he said. He looked at the abandoned factory. He searched for the door, and went in. It was an old factory, used in the early 20's, back when there were no food regulations, most likely to make hot dogs. It was dusty and old, riddled with spider-webs and what he thought was chocolate.

He knew the only thing he had to do was to mix himself and the leg. He took off his fake leg and hobbled over to the nearest barrel of waste. He smashed the lid. Harder and harder until both the leg and the lid was destroyed. "Goodbye." he said. He tossed in what would be his new leg. He took off everything he was wearing. If there was someone there, they most likely would have died seeing this sight. Then, naked, he jumped into the disgusting barrel of run-off. He shrieked in pain. His yelling echoed off the walls of the factory. He felt for his father's leg. He grabbed it and pushed it around. It did not move around, and he knew it was attached. He had complete control of it.

Suddenly, he felt a pulse throughout him. His whole body was swelling up. He quickly jumped out of the barrel, falling over in the process. He tried to stand up. His physique swelled yet again,and his height grew dramatically. He grew to be 6'5". His face grew hair, when suddenly, he heard a faint noise.

The noise grew louder, and he panicked. He strained to hear. He saw the outline of it. He stepped closer into the shadows...

Posted by Qwazal - September 11th, 2009

We would like to take a minute to honor those who died on this day in a brutal terrorist attack by Israeli intelligence and the CIA. It is fucking disgusting how our government allows a bunch of sniveling, filthy kikes to get away with the boldest fraud and terrorist attack ever on American soil, all so they may collect billions of dollars and have us fight their wars in the middle east for them.

- Encyclopedia Dramatica

Posted by Qwazal - September 8th, 2009


kevin fiyah@1!

Posted by Qwazal - September 7th, 2009
